The creator has a profound desire for freedom because they love novelty. They love to transform things in order to make something completely new. The creator is clever, non-conformist, and self-sufficient. They’re imaginative and good-humored. However, they can also be inconsistent and spend more time thinking than actually doing.
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The ruler is a classic leader. They believe they should be the one to bring order to any situation. The ruler is stable, strives for excellence, and wants everyone to follow their lead. They tend to have plenty of reasons why everyone should listen to them.
The caregiver feels stronger than other people. Consequently, they offer maternal protection to those around them. They want to protect people from harm and try to prevent any danger or risk from threatening other people’s happiness.
The Innocent’s greatest goal is to be happy! They seem to have read and absorbed every self-help book in the world. They’re always searching for happiness, and see the good in everything. They want to feel well-adjusted to the world around them.
The sage is a free thinker. Their intellect and knowledge are their reason for living, their essence. They seek to understand the world and their being by using their intelligence and analytical skills. They always have a fact, a quote, or a logical argument on the tip of their tongue.
The explorer is a bold traveler. They set out without a clear path and are always open to novelty and adventure. The explorer has a deep love of discovering new places and new things about themselves. They’re always searching for perfection and they’re hardly ever satisfied.
The everyman is the straight-forward “good ‘ol boy”. They desire to connect with others and belong. They develop solid virtues, and believe that every man and woman is created equal.
The jester likes to laugh, even at themselves. They don’t wear any masks and tend to break down other people’s walls. They never take themselves seriously because their goal is to enjoy life.
The lover is all heart and sensitivity. They love love and love to lavish it on other people. Their greatest happiness is feeling loved. They enjoy everything that’s pleasing to the senses. They value beauty (in every sense of the word) above all.
The outlaw is a transgressor, a rebel. They provoke people and don’t care at all about other people’s opinions. As a result, they like going against the grain and thinking for themselves. They don’t like to be pressured or influenced.
View beers in the Outlaw archetype
The magician is like a great revolutionary. They regenerate and renew not just for themselves, but for others as well. They’re constantly growing and transforming. The magician is an inventor, a charismatic leader, and understands the fundamental laws of the universe.
View beers in the Magician archetype
The axis of a hero’s life is power. The hero has an uncommon vitality and resistance that they use to fight for power or honor. They’ll do anything to avoid losing. In fact, they don’t lose because they never give up.
View beers in the Hero archetype
Hurricane Helene disaster recovery is underway, we’re thrilled to be open and look forward to seeing our customers again!